Tuesday, October 15, 2013

ICOD Action Network’s Human Rights Based Approach in programming and joining the global converation on Human Rights - Blog Action Day 2013

As a community based organization, ICOD Action Network maintains the belief that all human beings are created in the image of God, underlining the equal value and the inherent dignity in all human life. 

ICOD Action Network chose to work within a human rights framework, because it believes that this framework among other benefits creates a common platform for action for communities, donors and  implementing organizations like NGOs, Faith Based Organizations and the private sector. In its rights-based programming, ICOD Action Network works with six guiding principles. The are as follows;
1. Accountability
ICOD Action Network attaches great importance to this element and considers it an essential principle in it rights-based commitment for increased protection and realization of human rights. Accountability is the basic and outstanding operational principle in all projects implemented by the organization.

2. Universality
ICOD Action Network  believes that human rights are inalienable in the sense that they cannot be selectively granted or withdrawn but represent inherent claims and entitlements for all human beings, regardless of class, ethnic background, gender, religion, caste e.t.c.

3. Equality/ non discrimination
This principle is important in our planning projects targeting marginalized communities and those excluded in our area of operation in order to ensure and strengthen their claim for;
·      An equal voice in the distribution of resources and rights.
·      Real access to and control of these resources and rights.
·      Equality in legislation, policy and administrative practices.

4. Indivisibility / inter-relatedness
ICOD Network recognizes the importance of economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights. By so doing, ICOD Action Network acknowledges the multidimensional aspects and causes to poverty and marginalization and believes that a holistic approach must be taken in analyzing human rights deficits in overcoming poverty, exclusion and oppression.

5. Participation
The right to participate in public affairs is a human right, recognized in international human rights standards. ICOD Action Network always analyzes the systematic barriers to participation for the poor in development and has continued to empower the poor to overcome these barriers and claim this right. This principle has helped alter existing power relations in some communities were we work. 

Source: ICOD Action Network website

#BAD13, #OCT16, #Humanrights, #BlogActionDay, #Uganda, #ICODActionNetwork #Lyantonde

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