Monday, October 26, 2009


Data from the Directorate of Water Services in Uganda shows that the percentage of access to improved / safe water sources is about 55% at national level, compared to less than 48% in Lyantonde District. Absence of water sources was identified as a key problem and households identified water supply as a priority in Lyantonde.

Time taken by children to fetch water was also identified as a problem because it affects children’s school attendance and performance. Average walking distance to nearest water sources (safe or unsafe) is 4 kilometers and the burden of collecting water is on women and children. ICOD has this year (2009) constructed 10 Ferro-cement water tanks under the Lyantonde District Rural Safe Water Extension Project for the most vulnerable households in Lyantonde rural sub county.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Lyantonde district is found in South Western Uganda. It is boarded by Rakai district in the south, Masaka district in the east, Kiruhura in the west and Sembabule in the north. It has a total population of 66,039 of whom 32,687 are males and 33,352 are females. Out of the total population 36,050 are children and of these children, 5,571 are orphans.

Lyantonde district lies in the geographical Ankole – Masaka cattle corridor; a dry zone with savannah grass lands, thorny acacia shrubs and many semi arid zones. The district is usually hit by severe dry spell between June and September. The average annual rainfall is about 750mm to 1000mm and the annual maximum temperature is about 29 degrees centigrade. There has been a drastic increase in temperature in the district leading to severe drought, which is attributed to encroachment on fragile ecosystems of wetlands, bush burning and deforestation. Drought has also led to drying up of open water sources and over 70% of boreholes.

The district has two rain seasons; the 1st runs from March to May and the 2nd from August to November. At the beginning of this years 1st planting season, ICOD distributed free planting seeds to vulnerable households, one primary school and three farmers groups to build their capacity to produce enough food for their communities and sustain themselves. However due to severe drought, all beneficiaries lost their crops making them more vulnerable. The most affected are child headed households, orphans families and the primary school supported by the organization. Local government records indicate that over 95% of rural farmers also lost their crops to drought.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Seeds and food support project to rural farmer's groups.
In our efforts to build a food secure community that can be able to sustain its self in future and work towards its own development, we started working very closely with rural farmer’s groups. ICOD provides free planting seeds several farmer’s groups and other vulnerable households.

On the onset of the 2009 planting season, ICOD distributed free planting seeds to three farmer’s groups and 51 vulnerable households affected by HIV/AIDS..
Prince Primary School administration representatives receive planting seeds from ICOD
ICOD Staff delivering planting seeds for farmers
A farmer receives free planting seeds
51 vulnerable households also benefited from free food, beddings and household utensils distributed by the organization.
Staff sorting food items for distribution
Some of the beneficiaries
ICOD's Community Development Officers hands over planting seeds to orphans
Orphans receiving beddings from ICOD's field staff
ICOD's food support to prince Primary Public School

In all its projects and activities, ICOD works with and consults local and foreign partners. Among the local partners is Prince Primary Public school; a local community owned and managed school that provides education to children from families affected by HIV/AIDS and high poverty levels. ICOD works with the school parents and partners to improve conditions of the children at school through infrastructural development.

In 2008, ICOD found out that food scarcity was one of the most pressing needs of children at home and at school. ICOD started implementing a free planting seeds distribution project aimed at building the community food resource so that children can have enough food at school and at home.

The harvests from the 2008 season were very good; 470 kilograms of maize were harvested from 25 kilograms given to parents by the organization. Food availability in most participating households increased and children are now able to have enough food at home.

ICOD handed over 75 kilograms of maize to prince primary administration which will be used as food for school children. The children had their first meal from their parent’s harvests on 9th April 2009 at 1:15pm.

Monday, March 30, 2009


2009 Planting Season begins in Lyantonde

Rains began in the last quarter of the month of March marking the beginning of the planting season in Lyantonde district. While some farmers begin clearing their fields for the new planting season, some families in rural Lyantonde don't know their next course of action among which are child headed households affected by HIV/AIDS and high poverty levels which is a characteristic of most households in rural Lyantonde.

ICOD plans to resume free seeds distribution to vulnerable members of the community in its efforts to build a food secure community. The organization calls upon every one to extend their support to this program.

Contact the Country Program Coordinator for details on how to help the Lyantonde Community:
Tel: +256 751 933 845 / 703 740 206

Sunday, March 29, 2009

2009 Priority Areas

• Educational support to orphans and other vulnerable children
• HIV/AIDS sensitization and awareness.
• Seed distribution to orphans families and farmer's groups
• Health outreach for the sick
• Agricultural training and support
• Safe water and sanitation in rural areas.

Organization’ targets
ICOD targets Child Headed Households, Orphans, People with AIDS, Widows, Elderly and other vulnerable members of the community.


Since its inception in February 2008, ICOD Uganda has worked hand in hand with the district local governments, civil society organizations, local leaders, foreign and local partners and communities to map out best ways of responding to the effects of the AIDS pandemic in the district. In carrying out most its activities, the organization works with the relevant stakeholders for efficiency and effectiveness.

Over the last year ICOD has been able to:
• Conduct an enumeration and needs assessment survey to establish in depth the effects of HIV/AIDS on children in the district, and to gather data which has helped in the design of appropriate, relevant and sustainable projects.
• Support orphans with scholastic materials like uniforms, books, pencils and pens.
• Distribute food supplies to vulnerable households in Lyantonde district.
• Distribute seeds for farming to 20 vulnerable families and 3 farmers groups in Lyantonde and Masaka districts in its efforts to build a food secure community.
• Extended health services support to over 3000 people in its annual health outreach organized in partnership with University Bible Fellowship

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