Monday, November 1, 2010

State of Child Headed Households in Lyantonde

We have been working on this short video about the state of Child Headed Households in Lyantonde. This household is headed by a 12 year old girl who takes care of her siblings aged 8 and 9 months with the youngest HIV positive. Watch and forward to friends to watch.


Thursday, October 14, 2010


This year ICOD Action Network organised Secondary School Essay competition in Lyantonde district under the theme ICT "a powerful tool". Eleven schools participated in the competition and an independent team of teachers is selecting the best three essays and winners shall be announced very soon.

A student asking a question about ICT

Students listening to ICOD staff during an ICT awareness workshop

Staff raising student awareness about ICT

Monday, September 27, 2010

We are changing!

Integrated Community Efforts for Development (ICOD) Uganda is going through a transition period that will see us adopt more programs in addition to the current programs. One of the key program components being introduced is Micro-credit for rural farmers. Integrated Community Efforts for Development (ICOD) shall change its name to ICOD Action Network starting October 31, 2010. We have started changing our website and blog for this purpose.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Schools ICT Essay Competitions 2010

This year, ICOD is organizing a school essay competition under the theme “ICT a powerful tool”. Competitors will be required to write an essay of between 300 – 500 words describing how ICT is a powerful tool for social and economic development. Participants will also be required to describe how ICT is important in students’ performance.The competition begins September 6th, 2010 to October 1, 2010. Winners shall be announced October 6, 2010. The organization shall award the best 3 students with ‘back to school’ shopping packages during the 2011 first school term and free training in computer and internet use. The goal of the competition is to find out students’ understanding of ICT and increase their adoption of ICT.
How can we make this better? Send an email to

House construction and Sanitation Project Second Phase Progress

In mid July, we began the second phase of house and pit latrine construction project. Three more HIV/AIDS affected households will benefit from this phase. Check out the progress of Namyalo Lucia's new house; (Continue scrolling ...)
Staff takes part in clearing a site for Namyalo's new house

Staff carrying out a case study on Namyalo's household

Namyalo's new house under construction

Staff painting Namyalo's new house
Namyalo's old and new pit latrine ( left and right respectively)

Namyalo's new house

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Meet the Director

Sunday, July 11, 2010

ICT training for rural farmers

The organization started training rural farmers, youth and People living with HIV/AIDS in ICT. At the end of training, they will be able to retrieve information relevant in their lives like markets for their produce and agricultural information.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Rhoda Sempebwa (about 55 years of old) from Nakaseke Uganda tells her story about how her farm harvests have increased over the recent years because of using internet. She reveals that she has used the internet to learn new farming techniques, share her experience and learn from other farmers. She also encourages other farmers to learn internet use by taking part in ICOD's IT project.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


The organization recently launched Lyantonde Internet Center; a solar powered facility that will help the organization implement ICT projects in Lyantonde district and the other districts in southwestern Uganda. The launch began with a bicycle race where youth competed for a new bicycle and other prizes. 5 community groups are taking part in a program at the Center that provides them with better access to information important in their daily lives (farming, health, education, etc). Selected group members are being trained in computer and Internet use, and will collect information that their communities have requested from the Internet. The Center is also open 7 days a week to the public, providing Internet access.

Above, the RDC Lyantonde, District Chairperson and police chief shown how internet works, the winner of the bicycle lifts up his prize and below and youth who participated in the race

Rural farmers watching a movie on the relevance of computer and internet in agriculture.

A technician installing solar panels at the center


On May 21, 2010, ICOD selected 5 groups’ leaders from 5 local farmer’s groups working with the organization and took them for a study tour in Western Uganda. The purpose of the tour was to link Lyantonde farmers to other farmers who have used of computers and internet to increase agricultural productivity and market their produce. The group visited Bwera Information Center and visited local farmer's groups who shared their experience with farmers from Lyantonde about modern farming methods, group formation, savings and credit and how the use of internet has helped them increase agricultural productivity. Farmer's from Lyantonde were inspired and they shared stories from Bwera with their communities and also formed farmer's groups that are being trained in using the computers and using internet by the organization

Lyantonde farmers taking notes

The group touring of a pineapple farm in Bwera

ICOD's Director sharing his experience

Bwera Information Center Coordinator (second right) explaining how the center trains local farmers.

After training, farmers will be able to use the internet to link their respective groups to markets, get infomation about crop and animal diseases prevention, get weather forecasts, learn and adopt new agricultural production methods, learnt from other farmers and retrieve agricultural related information from the internet, repackage it in the local languages and share it with other farmers.

Monday, April 5, 2010

ICOD Director is a wolrd Curator

ICOD's director took part in BBC's My World Competition and his documentary was one of the best in the world and the best in Africa and Oceania. Follow link:
to watch the documentary online.
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