Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Support our campaign on Indiegogo

ICOD Action Network believes that working with communities to grow and share healthy food helps cultivate healthy communities able to sustain themselves in future. Since 2008, we have been using community organizing and agriculture as a catalyst for social change by bringing people together across social, economic, and cultural barriers. 


ICOD ACTION NETWORK staff have been able to produce 6325 jackfruit trees in 2013 all of which were distributed free of charge to school children. We are committed to the idea that food  and fruits should be available to everyone, regardless of social and economic status. We worked hard in 2013 to ensure that food trees are freely distributed to school children in schools in rural and youth.  

To go to our campaign, click in the Image above or this link HERE 

Our Food Trees Model

Growing fruit trees provides social, environmental, and possible economic benefits. From a social perspective, growing fruit directly in communities where it is consumed provides residents with immediate access to healthy food and can improve food security in poor communities. Additionally, people gain a stronger sense of connection to the food they consume if they know how it was grown and where it came from.
  • From an environmental perspective, locally grown produce has the potential to reduce air and water pollution related to conventional food production and transportation. Trees grown have immediate and direct impact on the environment and help reset degraded local ecosystems.

    The goal is to plant 5000 fruit trees in local communities so as to promote self-sufficient food production and overcome environmental degradation due to human activity.
    Our Approach
    ICOD Action Network believes that children "own the future" and has set up mechanisms to mobilize and encourage children to directly take charge of their environment and food by planting food trees. School children have been mobilized and trained in planting food trees of mangoes, papaya and Jack fruit in their respective communities. School in Lyantonde are participating in this project and 5000 trees have been planted 2013.

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