Friday, May 31, 2013

ICT training packages preference

Access to free ICT training by rural farmers groups and youth in Lyantonde is one of our key ICT program goals. We have received overwhelming response and the level of ICTs adaption in Lyantonde since 2008 has improved over the years. Here is a chart showing the most preferred computer training packages. Whereas some trainees prefer learning Microsoft packages, others opt to learn using internet and how to access online resources. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

400 people in Uganda are infected with HIV everyday

According to the 2011 National HIV Indicator Survey, the prevalence rates among Ugandans between the ages of 15 to 19 are going up. It now stands at 7.3 percent and even higher in women at 8.3 percent up from 6.4 percent in the 2004-2005 survey. The sad news comes as Uganda joins the rest of the world to commemorate those who have succumbed to AIDS today at Kasana grounds, Luweero District.

“Today nearly 400 people in Uganda are infected with HIV everyday ,”Director General of Uganda AIDS commission Dr. Apuuli kihumuro told a news conference yesterday at the Uganda Media Center.

Dr Kihumuro acknowledges that in the early phases of the HIV/Aids, Uganda scored impressive success when the whole nation got together in solidarity to fight the epidemic. They brought down the overall proportion of people infected with HIV and more importantly the number of new infections per year. However, now the number of new infections is rising from 124,000 in 2009 to 128,000 in 2010 and approximately 145,000 in 2011. He notes that if new infections continue to rise the HIV burden is projected to increase by more than 700,000 over the next five years.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

ICT Project beneficiaries age distribution

Could any of you our readers guess the age distribution of our ICT trainees? Here is another chart for you that includes data for all out-of school youth  above 17 and other trainees above 17 years. Visit us again tomorrow for another chart about our ICT project.


ICT Project Trainees

Did you know that our ICT project has reached out to people as far as Rwanda? Here is an interactive graph for you.

We we also share with you Male Vs Female statistics on utilization of ICT in our region in our next post.

Friday, May 3, 2013

National OVC Cross cutting Situation Indicators for the year 2012

Are you following our projects targeting orphans and other vulnerable children? Here are interesting statistics about Uganda's OVC Cross cutting Situation Indicators for  2012
  1. Total Population of children in Uganda also reflected as a per cent of the total Ugandan population -19,566,430 children based on UBOS population Projections for 2012. Generally the percentage of children to the population is 56%.
  2. 52% of the population is under 15 years of age
  3. Less than one percent of children under age 5 tested positive for HIV (AIDS Indicator Survey 2011).
  4. Percentage of children under age 18 who are orphans (11.5% UDHS 2011)
  5. Percentage of children under age 18 who are vulnerable(38% UNHS 2009/10)
  6. 19% of the children not living with biological parent (UDHS ,2011)
  7. Number of children who live without an adult care-giver 32,000.
  8. Percentage of Children living below the poverty line
- Over 30% of children live in economic poverty
- In terms of access to water, but 28% of children were deprived of safe water by 2009.
Nearly one in ten children (8.7%) lack access to any toilet.
- 0.7% of children under the age of 5 years are infected with HIV/AIDS.
- Under five mortality rate is 90 per 1000 i.e. 98 for female and 114 for males.
- Infant mortality rate is 54 per 1000 i.e. 59 for females and 70 for males 
- Percentage of children under 5 sleeping under insecticide treated bed nets is 42.8 i.e. 44 females and 41.6 males.
- Proportion of 1 year-old children immunized against measles is 75.8 i.e. 76.6 for females and 74.8 for males
- Ratio of girls to boys in primary education is 1.0
- Ratio of girls to boys in secondary education is 1.1
- Ratio of girls to boys in tertiary education is 0.7
  1. Percentage of children living with elderly caregivers (F)
  2. (51 per cent of children are living with both parents, 23 per cent live with their mothers and not their fathers, per cent live with their fathers and not their mothers. 9 per cent of children under age 18 have lost their biological fathers, 4 per cent have lost their mothers, and 2 per cent have lost both parents (‘double orphans’). (Uganda AIDS Indicator Survey, 2011),
  3. Percentage of children engaged in child labour (25% i.e. 28% for males and 24% females, UNHS 2009/10).
  4. Child labour was highest among children in the age group of 5-11 years (34%).
  5. Over 32,130 children between the ages of 10 to 17 head households
  6. Over 40,000 children live in residnetial care facilities like children’s homes (Alternative Care Assessment by the MGLSD, 2012).
  7. Number of children living with HIV/AIDS (150,000)
  8. Overall, 4 percent of those in the age 15-24 are living with HIV. However, there is a gender gap; HIV
  9. prevalence among women age 15-24 years is 5 percent, while among men, it is only 2 percent. Prevalence rises rapidly with age, especially among women (Uganda AIDS Indicator Survey 2011).
  10. 30% of children of 0-5 years have their births registered (USDH 2011)
  11. A tiny fraction of children under age 5 are HIV-positive— 0.7 percent (Uganda AIDS Indicator Survey 2011).
  12. 18% of women between the ages of 15‐19 are already mothers and another 6% are pregnant with their first child showing levels of child mothers (UDHS 2011)
  13. Infant mortality rate is 54 deaths per 1,000 live births (UDHS, 2011)
  14. Under‐five mortality rate is 90 deaths per 1,000 live births (UDHS, 2011)
  15. Childhood mortality is generally higher among children of less educated mothers and those on the poorest households. Also Child mortality is highest among children born less than 2 years after a previous birth and those born to mothers under age 20. (UDHS, 2011)
  16. Maternal mortality ratio is 438 deaths per 100,000 live births (UDHS, 2011).
  17. Net attendance ratio in primary education is 81% (UDHS 2011) ( 81.0 % for Males and 81.1% for girls). The rate is based on reported attendance, not enrollment, in primary education among primary school age children (6-12 year-olds). The rate also includes children of primary school age enrolled in secondary education. This is proxy for MDG indicator 2.1, Net enrollment ratio.
  18. among children age 10-14 whose parents are both alive and who are living with one or both parents, 96 percent attended school during the 2011 school year, compared with 84 percent of children who have lost both parents (‘double orphans’)(Uganda AIDS Indicator Survey 2011).
  19. The ratio of school attendance among orphaned to non-orphaned children is 0.88. This implies that double orphans have a disadvantage in school attendance compared with children who are living with one or both parents.

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