Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Lightening stricking across Uganda, kills 23 school children and injures many.

Uganda has suffered devastating lightning strikes in the last two weeks which have left more than 30 people dead in the past one week.

At least 21 people perished on Tuesday 28th June when lightning struck three locations in different parts of Uganda. By 10:00pm on Tuesday night, 17 pupils and one student teacher had been pronounced dead by medics at Kiryandongo hospital, 210km north of Kampala when lighting struck their classroom. By today evening 6 more pupils have been confirmed dead as several were referred to Mulago National Referral hospital for more specialized medical attention.

Two other deaths have been reported in Eastern Uganda. Lightning struck a village in Sironko district killing a 58 year old man identified as Hassan Wandulu, Mr Aramanzan Dongo in Mpogo in Sironko was also struck at about 3.00pm during a heavy down pour accompanied by hail stones on Tuesday evening. Lightning strikes also spread to Karamoja region striking a school in Kotido district, killing one pupil and injuring another instantly. One woman was also injured in Lyantonde District.

Lightning Safety Measures

According to Meteorologists, when inside a building, avoid use of telephones, taking a shower, washing your hands, doing dishes, or any contact with conductive surfaces with exposure to the outside such as metal door or window frames, electrical wiring, telephone wiring, cables, TV wiring, plumbing, etc. Avoid taking shelter under a tree since lighting often strikes the highest spot in an area. Ducking below a tall tree is definitely not a good idea since you’ll probably be struck at the same time. The best solution is to crouch, in a fetal position, only vertical, and to stand on your toes, the idea being to minimize the contact area with the ground.

You should also lose all metal objects like watches, lighters, belt buckles and metallic jewelry.

The ideal hiding place is a car because its body has a wide surface area, thus dissipating the electrical current and acting like a protective cage. But one should avoid contact with metals while in the car and all windows should be rolled up. Schools and tall buildings should install a lightning rod.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

ICOD Action Network consolidates HIV/AIDS partnerships.

In all projects, we work in close consultations with partners, stakeholders and beneficiaries to ensure effective implementation and sustainability. This year we are continuing to identify partners to work with. We have also been approached by several other organizations that want to partner with us. On 16, 2011 we made a bigger stride towards consolidating partnerships in the HIV/AIDS Sector. We hosted several Organizations that we shall be working with to implement HIV/AIDS projects in Lyantonde. Representatives from Program for Accessible Health, Communication and Health (PACE), Rakai Community Aids Organization (RACOBAO), Lyantonde Hospital, Lyantonde Moslem Supreme Council Hospital and Lyantonde Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS attended a round-table discussion meeting at our Lyantonde office.

One of the PACE representatives makes his presentation.

Lyantonde Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS Coordinator (Left) chaired the meeting.

In 2011, we will closely work with all the above NGOs and institutions to raise community awareness on HIV/AIDS so as to reduce on rates of new infections and prevalence, increase community access to Anti Retro vial Drugs, increase mother's access to Anti Natal Care and closely work with HIV Most at Risk Persons (MARPs) like prostitutes, taxi driver and truckers to raise awareness on HIV/AIDS prevention, HIV/AIDS Support Service Centers among others. We think this is a great stride towards achieving an HIV free generation.

A Doctor from Lyantonde Hospital makes her point.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

ICOD Action Network and Lyantonde Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS to adopt aJoint HIV/AIDS Action Plan

Lyantonde Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS is a association of people who have publically confessed being HIV positive. The association is comprised of over 60 members who come from all the 6 sub counties of Lyantonde District. The Network of PLHAs has been working ICOD Action Network and Project Focus since 2007 when the latter implemented an Art Therapy project in Southwestern Uganda which finally led to the establishment of Lyantonde Internet Center where members of the Network are being trained in ICT and taking part in the Lyantonde information sharing program. The PLHAs Network implements many activities among which include raising community awareness on HIV/AIDS spread and prevention, condom use, male circumcision, training members on positive living and savings and credit and also offers post-infection counseling to members and their families.ICOD Action Network and Lyantonde Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS began discussions on adopting a Joint HIV/AIDS Action Plan. Adopting of a Joint Action Plan will help both organization's achieve HIV/AIDS goals in a more sustainable and effective manner and reduce chances of duplication of activities by either organizations. The first meeting was held on June 1, 2011 at ICOD office in Lyantonde. Another meeting scheduled for June 7, 2011 will discus a draft Joint Action Plan and set goals for 2011.
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