ICOD's food support to prince Primary Public School In all its projects and activities, ICOD works with and consults local and foreign partners. Among the local partners is Prince Primary Public school; a local community owned and managed school that provides education to children from families affected by HIV/AIDS and high poverty levels. ICOD works with the school parents and partners to improve conditions of the children at school through infrastructural development.
In 2008, ICOD found out that food scarcity was one of the most pressing needs of children at home and at school. ICOD started implementing a free planting seeds distribution project aimed at building the community food resource so that children can have enough food at school and at home.
The harvests from the 2008 season were very good; 470 kilograms of maize were harvested from 25 kilograms given to parents by the organization. Food availability in most participating households increased and children are now able to have enough food at home.
ICOD handed over 75 kilograms of maize to prince primary administration which will be used as food for school children. The children had their first meal from their parent’s harvests on 9th April 2009 at 1:15pm.